Pete Zapardi's Pizza Party

The frame is custom, built by a little company in Washington called Curtlo. I wanted a 26” CroMo hard tail, but they’re becoming more and more difficult to find off the shelf, so I had this frame fabricated, and then built the bike from there the way I wanted it. It’s the best XC bike I’ve ever ridden. Worth every

Nice ride. I prefer human powered two wheeled conveyances as well...

Actual conversation between myself and a coworker from a few weeks ago:

“Bring out your dead”?

Holy shit man... I mean, I agree, Nardelli is a fucking hack, but holy shit.

Well stated.

While I happen to love the F50, you gotta admit that the mighty F40 was an awfully tough act to follow.

I’m with you on this. I’ve always thought that the SCG logo was a little “off”. It’s obviously a take on the Ferrari Scuderia shield, which I get, but the design of the torch, the typeface used for the “SCG”, the placement of the letters, and the weird off-white/light blue (in photos at least) background of the shield

So, that video was from a thing called Milk Days in Harvard Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from where I live. I’ve never been (I’m terrified of fairs and carnivals) but most everyone I know has gone at some point, and yes, monkies riding dogs is most assuredly a thing.

This is fucking ugly.

I’ve apparently been going to the wrong Los Angeles.

The Puma, when stationary, makes me uncomfortable.

Cool toys... I hope they kept the receipt for the MP4-30.

This needs to happen.

I feel like that’s probably the only Supra Turbo in the world with a McCain-Palin bumper sticker. That’s got to be worth something, right?

Funny you should say that about the Crosstrek. I actually liked it. It’s underpowered, and I didn’t like the CVT, but I thought it was kinda cool, and a good alternative to something like a small crossover. In fact, I liked it enough that I’m thinking about getting one for my wife to replace her trusty old CR-V.

I had a Subaru way before it was cool... before the WRX, before the “kids, dogs, and kayaks” bullshit. I loved that car, and I loved Subaru as a brand. Problem is, once they started to become more popular, I felt like they basically abandoned “real” Subaru enthusiasts in favor of building bloated Outbacks and using

I don’t know how pompous it is, but I’ve always been bothered by the Chevy Monte Carlo. GM has a history of naming cars after legendary race courses (Bonneville, LeMans, etc.), or lovely places (Malibu, Bel Air, etc.), and most of the time those products fail to live up to their namesake... but Monte Carlo? When I

This is... uh... this... I... I can’t even... I’m so filled with want right now.