
hooks opted to stylize (her name) in lowercase to “shift the attention from her identity to her ideas.”

Your move, Judas.

The Dissolve archives are still up! Two years of wonderful film writing from the old guard here.

Sean O’Neal must be rolling in his grave.

He insisted staff would “have the option to come.” They were “certainly not required,” Robson said. “But the jobs are going to be moving to L.A.”

You weren’t here for The Dissolve, were you?

Or we could just move on to chess’s heir apparent: ARCHON!

River’s Edge, dude.  Bogus.

My hatred seethes unabated.

“To me! Gandolfini!”


I got Starz through Amazon’s Prime Day promotion and it stopped when I told it to do so. I haven’t heard of anyone having trouble ending theirs, but if you’re concerned maybe get it through Amazon, Hulu or some other third-party biller.

Fine. As long as it’s hard sci-fi this time.

WTF is Starz lol

I remember a previous episode that involved a dry cleaner and a sheet. Can Gina Gershon return? 

Don't worry, folks. There's a good chance Barsanti's take on this is just as wrong as his take on, well, everything.

Dana Donnelly, Meg Stalter, Broman, and Prance.” I like to think I’m pretty internet-culture-aware, but I have NEVER heard of a single one of these humans.

I was in 9th grade and read Rolling Stone religiously , when I saw this album got a 4.5 stars, I was like WTF! only reissues and classics got above 4 stars , yet this NEW album got 4.5, can’t wait to get it. (at the time I was also a big Monster fan, that was my first ever R.E.M. album , I had no familiarity with the

I guess I do see it that way - I was a faithful purchaser of R.E.M. records from Life’s Rich Pageant, which is when I discovered them (and of course bought up the preceding albums tout suite) right through to this one, which I liked a lot and still do, but something about it said to me “I need never buy any subsequent

so many ringers in this cast, I'm not surprised there isn't time to mention them all, but man this is Rebecca Ferguson's film from start to finish imo. absolutely mesmerising performance, which is only fitting given Jessica is the most interesting character in the book too 

I mean that’s not the first time some other Marvel villain became Galactus. A Kang variant in Exiles did it too only he was omnomming universes...