
Yeah what exactly does AVC expect him to say?

AV Club Editor 1: “People are complaining about how the site isn’t as good as the old days. What can we do to recapture that old AVC magic?”

Swear to God, I told him as we closed, “Next time: Slappy and the Stinkers, for sure.” And then I reiterated the point on Twitter!

Hand to heart, I’d planned to bring the whole conversation full circle with All-American Girl, but we ran out of time. I did send an email in the hopes of getting him to just send me a voice memo talking about it, but no luck. Ah, well, at least I tried...

Pepsi has to be able to legally buy a weapon of war.

Seconded on the welcome return of WH in VA! And another great interview with another super-interesting interviewee.

Well, as nice as it is to see BD Wong return to the Jurassic Park series and in an expanded part at that (and it’s *very* nice and well deserved), I’m *thrilled* to see the return of Will Harris.

Yay, a Will Harris Random Roles, with someone who had a lot of interesting things to say!

Is it weird that I liked the book but then seeing the movie made me reevaluate everything I thought I liked about the book?

Now playing

“Millie gathers evidence that the game’s makers stole her code ...

Beck was in the show way more than Kyle. He was in many of the cold openings. He is underrated imo. He can do a range of old and young characters. 

I just don’t want him to get so much work that he doesn’t have time to make Doom Patrol anymore. Doom Patrol is weird and wonderful and I would be very sad to lose it.

Speaking as a dude who once ran marathons and rowed crew for a Big 10 Team and now looks like if an older, fatter Vin Diesel had a baby with Paul Giamatti... getting old sucks and time is undefeated.

Should have made this article a slideshow, for the irony!

I was crying 5 minutes into that episode from that story. 

did they also throw out DaBathwater?

And while I’m making trivial complaints... it’s a BIT disappointing that the GoGotron design (the Gotron made from 5 other Gotrons) looked exactly like the regular Gotron. No fun hybrid design or anything. It’s a lot to ask, but would have helped drive home the ridiculousness of a mech with 25 unique pilots.

For an ordinary adult, the notion that it took him this goddamn long to figure out how bad that slur is, and the fact that his daughter had to carefully explain it to him, should be a goddamn embarrassment.

Lee hollering “I’m only the fucking LEAD SINGER” as the bus drives away always gets me. What a great performance. 

Part of me feels like you should have waited till tomorrow to post this.