
Character Actress Margo Martindale would kill it on this show.

Conan said he thinks that’s the best thing anyone has ever done on his show. It’s brilliant- one direct hit after another.

Triumph at the Star Wars opening is gold.

How did you manage to miss that Mare’s mom is the one who had the affair with Mr. Carroll? What did you think she was laughing about in the car?

Comedian Greg Fitzsimmons has been dropping loud hints for YEARS about how toxic the Ellen show was when he worked there, then following that up with the fact that he can’t give specifics because of NDA’s he’s signed.

OMG, I knew I forgot another role she did!

It may be difficult to believe for some of the younger folks, but if this is the last chapter in Ellen’s professional story, it’s kind of a tragic arc for someone who was ground breaking in a lot of ways and the kind of person who, once upon a time, was an underdog worthy of support.

clicking on that O’Neal article brought back memeories, even the caliber of commenters, wow saw the likes of Lt Broccoli and Archmage of Aether so so forth.

Dave is great. Not only is he a charismatic and likable screen presence— he was also the first and loudest to stand up for James Gunn when the right-wing trolls engineered his ‘cancellation’ and firing from Disney.  The big guy gave zero fucks and did the right thing when everyone else was covering their asses.


So is this an Ode To His Family?

A guy can dreams, can’t he?

It may be the best introductory montage to a Zack Snyder movie since, well, the Johnny Cash end-of-the-world blur that kicked off the filmmaker’s first feature and last visit to the zombie apocalypse, his Dawn Of The Dead remake.”

Say what one will about Watchmen, but I’ve never seen anyone, including people who hate

The stench of the undead does tend to... Linger.

guess which Cranberries hit gets an acoustic rendition?

Side note - Jean Smart is incredible, she steals every scene she’s in. But also incredibly under-utilized, which is too bad.

Mare has been such a tough character this whole season that seeing her cowering on the bathroom floor in tears was incredibly powerful. They hinted at the trauma in that brief scene with her grandson’s doctor, but to see it full blown like that, while also knowing what happens to her son, really showed and helped to

I’m hoping Richard is just the love interest, meant to provide Mare with a opportunity to move on from the stasis she’s in due to her son’s death, and find love. They’re both alike in that they’re on the downward slope of life, their main successes achieved long ago. Richard seems content, but Mare has to learn how to

The book author is my Chekhov’s Gun. It’s just a strange pairing to me. I feel like he is getting close to Mare to get intel on the disappearance investigations. So he’s my kidnapper theory, and the priest is the red herring for the kidnappings but not the murder. Are we to assume the priest is the babydaddy at this

I'm saying that what we see is the result of lots of Necromantic Surgery; mixed with time travel, the scenario that you describe is MORE than feasible.
Example1: born in 1995, lived till 2001, cryo-frozen till 2038, sucked into the Hellraiser puzzle-box, eighty-seven years of Hell, escaping into the Catskills 1957,