Quentin Tarantino at his most relaxed. I love that movie, severely underrated.
Quentin Tarantino at his most relaxed. I love that movie, severely underrated.
Aziz Ansari angrily pounds a wall as he gets beat for another role. Fuming, he makes pasta.
I was all set to watch Spider-Man this weekend, but one guy in our group got us all to see War For The Planet Of The Apes instead. He was also the one that fell asleep about an hour into the movie, and was snoring away for 45 minutes. It wasn't a bad movie, but it was probably the slowest moving movie I've ever seen…
Olivia comin' out like Marlo from The Wire. "MY NAME IS MY NAME!"
Gus Fring arrives in Westeros, with a chain of stores called "Los Lampreys Hermanos". He takes over with his delicious lampreys slowly disabling people with painful bouts of gout.
I kept thinking the same thing, that Mike had left some surveillance equipment in the house when he posed as the repair guy to get pictures of Chuck. I thought Chuck would rip open the house, but finally find it, like he finally uncovered Jimmy's tampering with the Mesa Verde address. Then, credits, setting up next…
"So. Central Rain" was my first introduction to R.E.M. I read back about the time, and how everyone was hip to "Radio Free Europe". But I didn't hear about R.E.M. until the video for "So. Central Rain" landed on my local video music TV show. It's probably still one of my top 3 R.E.M. songs.
Don't forget Con18, even at his advanced age he survived that biological warfare agent. Tough and tender, perhaps Gabriel is a Lvl 12 clay golem?
I was gonna ask for some more Everybody Loves Raymond. But then I thought about both Peter Boyle and Doris Roberts now gone, and the tragedy with one of the twins…
Cousin Sal would prank everyone by taking the Best Picture envelope and depositing it in a shredder.
Season 1 is some decent table-setting, monster-of-the-week stuff. Seasons 2 thru 4 are a rush that really get you into the mythology of the show, and are just damn fine TV.
I remember watching the Tonight Show as a kid, and Bette Davis was on with Johnny Carson. She just blasted Faye Dunaway, and my jaw dropped because you just didn't see that kind of public finger-pointing.
Crap, does this mean I'll now have to get Hulu? Loved the comics, but I don't really want another monthly charge.
Aisha Tyler had said multiple times on her Girl On Guy podcast that she's learned to love bombing on stage when she does stand-up. I bet she enjoyed the animated version of bombing as well.
I've never been hungrier than the week in college that I read A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch. Dining hall soup tasted like heaven.
MSG bought the Forum and refurbished it as a music-centric venue. I saw Fleetwood Mac play there a couple of Thanksgivings ago, and the acoustics were pretty good.
I loved that TV-Movie. I still use that Anthony Andrews rhyme when I want to put on foppish aristocratic airs. And Jane Seymour in all that push-up stuff…definitely exciting for my adolescence.
As someone who was just the right age when Star Wars hit, I became a lover of everything sci-fi. Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, you name it, I was down. So when I saw ads for a sci-fi parody movie called Ice Pirates, I begged my cousins to take me to see it. It had Robert Urich,…
Jennifer Ehle in a period piece is like comfort food. Tasty, tasty comfort food.