You won't regret starting The Americans. It starts off good, and just keeps getting better.
You won't regret starting The Americans. It starts off good, and just keeps getting better.
The one constant for me with Veep is my burning hatred for Jonah and how much I love to see him get taken down. Timothy Simons is so awesome in that role, I can't picture anyone else doing it.
It reminds me of Lena Headey saying that one of the hardest parts of playing Cersei Lannister for her is how still Cersei can be, since Headey is naturally a very fidgety person. I'm having a hard time picturing Almodovar reining in the crazy to adapt Alice Munro's material. Apparently he's succeeded.
What role did Samuel L Jackson audition for in Reservoir Dogs?
Wow. I never knew what the middle two lines of that jingle were, thank you.
I think I remember a lot of Lowenbrau commercials at the time.
No, not at all.
I introduced my girlfriend at the time to West Wing on DVD. About halfway through the second season, she then took some Facebook quiz on which West Wing character she should be, and got Donna. She was furious. I spent the rest of time during our watch of the subsequent seasons both defending Donna and teasing her…
I really loved the use of 3-D for How To Train Your Dragon. My stomach was dipping and flipping around during the flight sequences, and you really got a sensation of speed.
Epic post, Archmage. Epic. I agree with those that are Lawful Evil, the ones I've met IRL truly have never smiled.
They were one of my favorite bands in college (when they released their first two albums). I caught them last summer at the Anaheim House of Blues, and they still brought it. Not as much jumping around the stage anymore, but their musicianship was still amazing.
Plowed through the first graphic novel compilation of Locke and Key. I was only about a third of the way through when I put at hold on the next volume at my local library. Incredible stuff.
C'mon, it has to be "Young Americans".
No kidding. What started out as a Saturday night poker night with the boys ended with everyone passed out but me, playing Rocket League at ten in the morning.
Is that Black Mirror Christmas Special available anywhere in the U.S. legally? I really enjoyed watching the six episodes on Netflix a while back.
I think you would be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and elegance of X-Com. The original is my third favorite game of all time (behind only Civilization II and World of Warcraft), and the reboot captures the spirit of the original.. With it bring turn-based, you can play at your own pace without needing to…
To this day I taunt my now 50-year old cousin that he loves "Star Trek: The Motionless Picture".
I got Netflix to send me the DVD for To Live and Die in LA a couple of years ago, and I finally watched it for the first time. The Wang Chung synth soundtrack was pretty distracting and felt pretty dated, and combined with the cop tropes that have since become cliched, the first half-hour felt like the movie was…
Honestly, the worst thing about watching Top Chef is the commercials for Bravo's other shows. I hit the fast-forward on the DVR at light speed because I feel the need to dodge the Knives of Pure Stupid coming at my ears and eyes.
Wasn't that the second half of the second season of Orange Is The New Black?