
Please post your URL when you've put up your "Americans - The Wigs" website.  You will get all my love and clicks.

I hope Margo Martindale moves in next door to you and hates loud TVs.

As I can't see Nina without seeing a brunette Scarlett Johansson, I approve of this Black Widow imagery.

This looks like a good spot to link to the Random Roles with Lily Tomlin where she talks a bit about Moment By Moment:…

This is the Mad Men image in my mind right now of the departed writers, doing their best "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" pose:

Tasha leaving really bums me out.  I feel like I only have the energy to go through this thread and click "Like" to any comment that gives her a "thanks" and a "thumbs-up".  
It sucked enough when intelligent voices like Keith Phipps and Scott Tobias left.  But Tasha Robinson is my favorite writer on this site, and

Those Comedy Central SNL reruns were the perfect complement to the boring-ass treadmill at the company gym.  I laughed my ass off so hard that my coworkers would come behind me to see what I was watching on TV.

So correct.  Jason Bateman sparring with David Garrison on that show was awesome, especially because every kid loves to think they can outwit an adult.  David Garrison later became one of the reasons I tuned in to check out "Married With Children".

Don watching Megan in her kissing scene echoed the flashback where young Don watches his stepmom and the pimp through the hole, which Arlene reinforces with her "You like to watch" comment.  I can see how he's *compelled* to watch it, and yet it still stirs up a lot of self-hatred.  And of course he runs into Sylvia's

Bob hasn't had much to do, yet he still gets lines in every episode.  He's like a human Chekov's gun that I keep waiting to fire.

Can someone give me a link to more on these telephone diners?  I now have a great business idea that involves restaurants with IPads and Facetime.

Whenever I think of Disintegration, I think of the wonderful bass line on "Fascination Street".

I believe I saw in the end credits a "Thank you to the State of New York", so you may be correct that the show shoots in New York.

I would expect that silver fox to be gettin' down at the Regal Beagle.

Being raised in California and living there at the time Green was released, I remember seeing the song list and being excited about what REM had to say about my home state.  The dissonant guitar hook and brooding atmosphere had me perplexed.  Weren't we the state of the Beach Boys, sunshine and surf, and oblivious

I thought Bob Benson would get the company in trouble by making in-roads with the ketchup guy. But that would be too simplistic for the wonderful writers of Weiner and Co.

You'll also have to watch Freakshow, and the one about Kevin Smith's comic shop.  And (Fuck) The Killing.

Adam Carolla went on a hilarious rant a few months back about the ridiculous pedophilia in '70s lyrics.  Starts around the 6m30s mark, NSFW.

I actually like that the premieres have been two hours the last two seasons.  Since this show tends to jump ahead some months in time from the previous finale, it gives the viewer more of a chance to re-orient by touching base with more of the characters.  Just seeing all the new dress and facial hair was a nice

Agreed with all, also wanted to add the Dark Forces + Jedi Knight first-person shooters.