
Agreed on the excellence of LCK, which I think was a slight improvement on its very good first showing last year.  I felt the LCK challenges were a bit more straightforward with fewer silly twists than last season.  Slight quibble that there wasn't some video where Colecchio explained why he chose Kristen over Josh

Wow, you got a lot more out of Sheldon's marriage than I did.  I thought it was about 45 seconds of fluff.

I'd put it up there with the friendliness of the Las Vegas finale, with the two Voltaggio brothers and Kevin Gillespie.

Holy crap, I totally remember that episode of Bewitched.  I had no idea that Richard Dreyfuss was the wizard / dog.

As much as I hated the Lori character, I have to say that Sarah Wayne Callies sure cuts a beautiful silhouette.

I also loved how these people have amazing one-shot ability to get headshots against zombies, but spray helplessly when shooting at other humans.

So true.  Top Chef has monkeyed around with its finale structure way too often.  First it was head-to-head, then it was three at the end, then there was a live show reveal, etc.  At least when it's eight chefs left I know that it's time for Restaurant Wars.

I really hope they don't bring back Josie as a sous chef in the finale.

Who's Afraid of Dying Hard?

I took "Fuck Spidey" as Franco staying in character as Harry Osbourne, and wanting to fuck Spidey up.

Just the beginning credits of The Twilight Zone scared the crap out of me as a kid.  I loved to watch the show, but I had to either leave the room or hide behind the couch until the credits were over.  At the time, I didn't know what show beginning was scarier, Twilight Zone or Tales From The Darkside.

Oh my fucking God, "The Hitchhiker" was the stuff of nightmares for me as a six-year old child.  I had an older friend who would turn towards me and say "Going my way?" and I'd get chills and have to run out of the room.  Either that or he would do the Darth Vader breathing.  
Come to think of it, that guy was a fucker.

As much as I miss Angel, I feel that Supernatural has a lot of Whedon in its DNA.  I think of it as a spiritual successor to Angel, especially as many of the Buffy/Angel cast members have had memorable cameos on Supernatural.

Fans of Supernatural would know that this picture should have cheeseburgers instead of tacos.

I don't have HD for my TV, but I thought that the bottom half of her face was fuzzed out and distorted, implying that Rick is hallucinating a zombie version of Lori.

No kidding.  The first season of Talking Dead, Hardwick came off like an excited fanboy, or the super-happy Will Ferrell character in Elf, with a long brown tongue from anus licking.

As much as I find Kevin Smith overbearing and annoying nowadays, he did have a good line on Talking Dead, calling Carl "Wyatt Twerp".

As a Dodgers fan, I know this to be The Gospel Truth.

I think Lizzie was above average, and deserved to get as far as she did.  I do think that this season's chefs as a whole have been below par, though.

I'm guessing that MaNoire is the former?