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The only game that I know of that offers native Arnold Shwarzenegger voice packs is Planetside 2, and it's soo much fun.

They've succumbed to CoD style either way.

The only tip you really need: Grind til you die because you will otherwise die of boredom of walking slow.

slvc I don't know and I don't care, it's HILARIOUS.

So..the father's temper is the family's biggest problem.

He wants his fucking crepe and Ashcraft is holding him back!

It's actually not. They're TRYING to be funny.

Im not offended, just annoyed. There is a difference you know.

LAWL I wouldn't doubt it.

Oh is he really? Aaah well I'm not playing TLOU now.

What on gods green fuck is the last one?! O.o

I would say he wants to show the abuse that can happen by authority figures, in this case border patrol. With the excessive power abuse by police forces currently going on in several areas, I'm surprised you jumped directly to the whole border topic as opposed to police abuse. This video doesn't make someone think

The only religion I accept is our Lord and Savior G-ABEN.

Believe it or not, you can find legitimate religious groups in games now. It's like the Christians that come knocking on my front door every couple weeks found a way to try and recruit me in my games. Annoying!

That sucks so much! Fucking annoying laws and regulations.

Silent Hill was surprisingly good!

It's all Silent Hillified shit.

Well the threat's not directed toward you so...of course you're going to think it's an empty threat!

FUCK. How many rounds? :D