
By luxury he’s almost certainly referring to having a comfortable seat and some gizmos, you know the stuff that costs a few hundred bucks for mfg but they charge several thousand extra for. Trucks should have a stiff suspension, it’s just how they work, a luxury vehicle definitely doesn’t need that kind of suspension

I live in Syracuse NY. We have terrible weather. I think you and everyone else need to know you’ve been lied to about needing a truck or hell even 4 wheel drive in the snow. Snow tires!!! I laughed very hard this past winter watching brand new trucks and SUVs and foresters that couldn’t make it up a steep hill, most

That part of the Bible doesn’t apply anymore except the parts that help condemn gays and oppress women.

I predict that many types of bacteria will be quite happy living on a thick mat of other bacteria that have been impaled on the nano-spikes.

The environment isn’t needed, we’re destined to live in heaven for all eternity anyway, fuck this place. Praise Jesus.