It’s moments like this that make me wonder if I should have gone into law enforcement, to act as a counterweight to the right wingers who predominate therein.
It’s moments like this that make me wonder if I should have gone into law enforcement, to act as a counterweight to the right wingers who predominate therein.
...the family plans to use the car as a generator...
There’s a significant lack of beer-holding in the video. Something doesn’t add up.
The other reason for moving the car, LaSha told me, was that her husband wanted to show that it could be done after his friend voiced some doubts.
Eh, I’m ok with it. Only because 80% of cars on the road pretend to be this easy to use, but aren’t. At least this concept got it right.
It doesn’t work like that. If you leave the car out with keys in the ignition and the doors open, it will just sit there. You have to put a for sale sign with a price (say $700) in the window. Then you might get someone to steal it.
my 2011 miata has a manual height rare and exotic
Disposal? isn’t there a bad neighborhood near you where you could drop off pretty much anything with the assurance that within 24 hours it will be gone?
2014 focus manual height adjuster
It’s worth a $700 write-off when you donate it to an accepting charity.
Buys car, fixes issues, drives it for the next 2 years with no issues.
have you driven a car less than 5 years old lately?
My 2004 STI has manual height adjuster.
This would be perfectly fine for a short, daily commute, and when it craps out, any tow truck driver would be more than happy to take it to the scrapyard in exchange for the scrap value.
Go back and look at the picture that is staged at the driver’s door, looking into the interior.
Disposing of a vehicle is easy. Call AAA, have them tow it to a salvage yard, sign them the title, take your $200 for scrap value.
If he likes the Mini, why not look at a Mini Cooper S Countryman All 4? It’s a BMW X1 in Mini drag, but it’s a Mini. And you can get a manual 6 speed in it too.
Approximately 12 of those would have been sold in the United States.
Counterpoint: No, it wouldn’t have.