
“Eh... I probably won’t watch it”

Every picture of Russell Brand makes me feel like if I accidentally brushed against him in a hallway, I’d have to immediately go take a shower.

I’m still very much in the camp of not beating up on people who end up doing the right thing after they’ve embarrassingly done the wrong thing, so good job Bill. But also, Bill Maher was an asshole before this, so fuck you Bill.

The cast of That 70s Show have also weighed in to remark that Russell Brand is often not as late as you might expect him to be.

Elon Musk also weighed in, posting “I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil.””

Fuck, that’s the harshest roast yet.

Spaceballs is painful. History of the World has the conviction to feed Orson Welles the line, “then came the first homosexual marriage,” while a caveman bonks another caveman with a club. It also has lines like “you can’t Torquemada anything,” and “the servant waits while the master baits.” Sometime around 1980 Mel

And I’ll never have that math problem again.

He just listened to Macarthur Park.

I bet Jeff Garlin thought the show was done. News of a 10th season must really make his vagina hurt just that much more.

I won’t be happy until there’s a movie that recognises Batman’s true nemesis, Kite Man.

Or, two words: Puppy Oscars.

I think I made the right decision to just stay home on the couch with my flannel.

“Do you expect me to talk?”
“NO! I expect you to make an ass of yourself on a dumb TV show!”

Contestants will be judged on their ability to do tedious chase scenes while skiing, burst through walls in pursuit of a bad guy, and recognize when an assassin is in their hotel room.

FYI: “portraying” isn’t a synonym for “punishing”...

Remember when they made this movie with Albert Brooks and Brendan Fraser, only it was about baseball and it was called The Scout?

One reason this show works so well is it isn’t in service of anything other than the story it is telling. it isn’t setting up a wider world. It doesn’t have to tie into any other shows. It has a story and purpose all it’s own. And Gunn actually understands TV, and story telling, and not stringing us along in a “it’s

Crew Meeting!

Waiting for that Captain Caveman gritty reboot.

I don’t know, man. This feels like trying to retell the same joke at the same party. Some things were just the product of their time and place and can’t be forced.