
Can I just dislike them both?

I consider this show a guilty pleasure. Great to have on while you’re doing something else, drifting in and out of the room it’s on in.

It’s Nic Cage as Egghead or nothing.

Yes! Finally, a new place to never watch this on! 

Finalists will be judged on their ability to drive a gondola out of the water and through a crowded town square. Points will be awarded for the amount of hilarity that ensues, multiplied by the number of pigeon double-takes produced.

I get a feeling Mike Meyers will also be portraying the audience for this.  

The Doctor”? Anyone ? Hello ?

A well end, Dowd.

I want to like this show more than I do.

I’m curious as to how they’ll write Chekov.

“Evolution is a disease .... and I’m the cure.” 

I’m glad he’s Chevy Chase and I’m no.... Never Mind.

They lost me when they brought Spock back after killing him.