THANK YOU. I have been saying this since nineteen ninety nine gotta type it out.
THANK YOU. I have been saying this since nineteen ninety nine gotta type it out.
I would add to your wager that most of the people who come here to vent about NAFTA would break out into hives if they couldn’t buy an avocado.
If America was on the cusp of a constitutional crisis, with a demagogue and millions of well-armed supporters refusing to concede an election, what would be happening differently?
I don’t think it’s problematic. I live in Africa and I know what you mean re: “we’re all Africans, so it’s my home too!”
I’m pretty ambivalent about who we nominate – they’ll both lose – but they’re not sides of the same coin if you care about climate change, public school, gay rights, affirmative action, women’s rights, or even campaign finance reform. Bill and Barack appointed judges in favor of regulating campaign donations. Bush…
I feel the exact same way but then I look at the political map and Marco Rubio’s favorability ratings and think the more likely scenario is we become both a much more liberal and marginalized force in America for a generation. Our bench is weak, and it’ll take years–maybe even eight or 12–for that realignment…
It’s a bit more complicated. From 1968, when the south went Republican, to 2008, election after election after election was a GOP landslide. The only path to victory was for them to eff up remarkably (Watergate, Vietnam) or for our side to basically disown black people while also playing the sax and shit and fuck it,…