
We shouldn’t just skip over the casually dropped “procreation problem”. Fascists Republicans have for years been peddling the ‘falling birth rate’ bullshit. In reality, there’s plenty of people, and the global population continues to steadily rise. Any worrisome drop in a country’s population can easily be solved by,

It’s literally an NFT shill. Seriously - it’s right there, in the name.

You could lead the entire body of twitch streamers off a cliff if you told them it was trending.

Super weird how all the right-wingers screaming about “aCtIvIsT jUdGeS” a couple years ago have all shut the fuck up, huh?

IIRC the only Sony console most developers hated work with was PS3 because of the Cell Processor.

That was only ever the PS3, and they course-corrected. Meanwhile my household still needed to buy two Xbox 360s because of the red ring, so it’s not like MS was winning or anything.

As a pc gamer since 1991 I don’t care about many of these affirmation or questions, and I even agree with some of them generally - others depend on the context. Couch gaming is disappearing all around and Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed is the only one which I play for that reason.

I’ve already done the “clawing my way through a game whose gameplay I dislike, just for the story” thing, so I know that it’s not a good use of my time.

Yup. This is written like someone turned the corner in a hospital and found an unresponsive an intubated Madonna

So I wasn't the only one who read the headline 5 times and then started on the article before figuring out what it meant.

She was found in a hospital?

I appreciate you mentioning “clawing through”, because that happens many times in other games too, even if we don’t realize it. It’s the same reason why FF14 is just inaccessible to many, despite it having a superior story.

While I haven’t finished the game, I have played the mission in question here.

Is anybody saying they want Final Fantasy to be stagnant? People seem to be criticizing the specific changes, not the idea of it changing in general.

The funny thing is that I am a massive Monster Hunter fan, and I’ve enjoyed the Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden games. To me, FFXVI does not scratch the same itch as those three series do when it comes to action games. I don’t play those games for some 20+ hours of story cutscenes. The action is the point. I don’t play

I don’t get why more people don’t understand this. Sure, it changes things up in more ways than a series like Tales or Dragon Quest or Phantasy Star would when looking at a series of games in a franchise but it has hardly ever not been within the framework of the JRPG genre (even if they may not like that term).

I am way less annoyed by FFXVI becoming an action game than I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention. Maybe that’s true in terms of setting & narrative (and I would argue you’d have to really stretch the idea of what narrative “reinvention” means in an anthology

Nvidia has been doing this for years, it’s one of the biggest reasons why games tend to run more smoothly on Nvidia hardware compared to AMD hardware. The other half being that yes, Nvidia has historically invested more in its drivers too.

Well I made it though the 80s and still enjoyed games. I think this will look superior than 80s tech, so I look forward to playing it.

“Do you remember when you were growing up, do you remember how simple life was, how easy it felt because you were a kid with no real responsibilities or obligations? Well, it’s Joe Biden’s fault you’re old and have to work now. Vote him out and you can go back to being a carefree child, unbound by the rigors of