Wait— people were expecting couch co-op, ON Personal Computers?! Looool.
Wait— people were expecting couch co-op, ON Personal Computers?! Looool.
There was an option to “hide” other player so you don’t see them and they don’t see you.
Me, a PC player: The what now?
“Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”
This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality…
I don’t even know where to start with this. Dodge rolling has always been a dumb, overused mechanic that is mostly the fault of Souls games at this point, and even there, it was limited by equipment weight and stamina.
Pro Publica had a series on reasons why maternal mortality rates are so high in the US. One reason is that signs of really common complications in mothers are frequently overlooked and disregarded, as birthing care is almost solely focused on the wellbeing of the baby. Which makes sense that the latest wave of…
You cannot say it’s a joke when making a death threat. Saying “I’m joking” after saying something reprehensible, and in this case illegal, is not protection from the consequences of that speech. Anyone that claims otherwise is a fucking loon.
Meatball Ron, out there protecting us from Tzeentch
Maybe there’s hope for Florida ye-
What’s wrong with living at home? Wages are shit, and housing prices/rent costs are soaring. Living at home, while not ideal, saves quite a bit of money if everyone pools their resources together.
“Alliance Defending Freedom” LOL
Resi 4 remake is a video-game littered with video-game tropes. Enemies drop amno and pesetas after dissolving into a puddle; there’s a guy setting up shop to sell guns and gun upgrades to his only costumer; red exploding barrels are all over the place ignoring all logical reasoning... And people have “discourse” about…
I actually did my university thesis on colour cues as guidance in level design, and hoo-boy let me tell ya, it is HARD to get players to pay attention to the thing you want. At one point, we put them in a grey room full of brown crates, and the only vividly coloured thing in the whole damn room was a bright red box…
Game Devs explaining basic Game Design to people complaining about said design is my fetish.
I’m against the ‘button to reveal things’ mechanic. Players will end up playing half the game in a visually dull detective mode or will continually spam the button every time they enter a room. Which at that point, why not just have the feature on at all times? I enjoyed my time with Batman Arkham Asylum, but I have…
The better question is why is does the beer can have dick physics.
Fallout 4 didn’t depict any explicit sex or have nudity, but there’s at least one instance where you seduce an NPC (Magnolia), it fades to black, and it’s clear that you did the horizontal mambo with her.
I don't understand Tik Tok culture at all
It’s nice/disappointing to learn that gamers acting like entitled little shits isn’t just a Western thing.