
At some point, these executives are going to stupidly put something as bad as Anthem up for sale at $70 and it’s going to bite their ass.

Yep. The difference between “gamers” (the average joe, who just buys & plays games, the vast majority of the market), or “gamers” (the vocal screamers on forums, who think they represent the majority but don’t remotely).

Yeah, that was my thought, too.  I had no problems this past weekend, but was the server actually ‘slammed’?

Wasn’t Modern Warfare 2 $70 last fall? That probably sold a few copies, too. (Microsoft press-released in December that they’d be moving to $70 for their major releases, as well.)

Yeah, this is why I avoid “friend” systems. I have no desire to be tracking the activity of other people, nor do I want them tracking me. It’s creepy. “Appear Offline” ftw.

That was my first thought, yeah. None of the pictures I’ve seen of him in the last 5-10 years, translate into any kind of smell I’d want to be near, let alone wear.

While (of course) bitching about “activist judges” when it’s a ruling against them.

Plus rigging it to happen, by blocking all the appointments they could under Democrat administrations.

Yeah, I learn from history - I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. The latter 2 at launch without major issues (and maybe FO3, don’t remember clearly if I got it day 1). Based on that history, I’m looking forward to Starfield.

As they linked near the beginning, Bethesda stopped giving them review copies a long time ago. So they only got & started playing the game at the same time as we could.

Meanwhile, the Steam forum for it is a bigger dumpster fire than the game, full of idiots screaming “go woke, go broke” all over the place.  /facepalm

But isn’t that just unofficial forums? (I barely read Reddit, only run into it when doing a search for some question about a game or computer thing. Most of what I know about it is that assholes like reviewbombers & the gamergaters organize there.)

It was handy for my small group of IRL gaming folks during lockdown, since it combined chat, video conferencing, and audio chat; with just enough organization to keep things neat on our computer guy’s personal server. We did tabletop RPGs, chat for co-op online games, organized when we’d meet next, etc.

Plus, if I’m ordering a two-sandwich deal, I don’t need a side of fries. The two sandwiches is plenty. (not that I’ve been to a McD’s in a long time. But the same reasoning fits for all the chains.)

And yet this is the first gen (I’ve owned Playstations since the PS1) that I’m not feeling a big desire to get. Most of the “big exclusives” are things I don’t care about, my usual “system seller” (Final Fantasy) is turning into an awful-looking action game, and I’m not about to get the console just for Ratchet &

Personally, I thought that Diablo 3's infinite/easy respec was one of it’s worst features. But, then, I’m an alt-a-holic who likes playing new characters to try new styles/builds/etc. D3 removed any reason to ever run another character of the same class (the way the skills unlocked in a set progression didn’t help,

Yes. Those of us who couldn’t care less about 4k shouldn’t be stuck downloading 50-100gb of textures for it. (and I’m talking about PC & console digital versions, too.  Nothing to do with wanting the whole game on a physical disc, why should we all have to download this crap?  Make it a free DLC, make it a checkbox or

so I guess the argument is that any representation at all that isn’t cis white characters is now an example of a woke conspiracy?

Hey dipshits, you think because its literally not next door that you can somehow win. You piss off enough people with this talk, we will literally organize buses to get them to the right place to make your fucking candidate lose.

“The Left has manipulated the electoral systems to favor one side … theirs,” Mitchell’s presentation slide read. “Our constitutional republic’s survival is at stake.”