
Prey (2006). “Tommy? I can’t feel my legs...”

Always a good sign when your project is a collection of industry buzzwords.

Thinking about it, if they were going to sell the card next month, then the assembly lines/circuit boards/etc are already producing those cards.  So, yeah, they’ll definitely just be switching the boxes to say 4070.  The whole “cancel” vs “rebrand” thing is just marketing decisions on which one works better with focus

I guess they realized that if they had a 4080 at $900, they’d have to go two steps lower for the 4060. This way, they can ask $900 for the 4070 and $600+ for the 60. :D

Not that there is any real use for such high amounts of money in the game... /meh

An archived tweet from one of the participating vtubers says that it was part of a competition where whichever side got banned from YouTube would lose.

If they do this crap with Diablo 4, that & the whole always-multiplayer thing will be more than enough to make me skip it and just do another playthrough or three on Grim Dawn.


This is more talking about the kind of people who plastered “Snape kills Dumbledore” all over the internet the same day the book came out.

“I can’t begin to understand why would anyone spoil a story (whether it’s a game, a movie, a book, whatever) for others,”

Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhh.... no.

Looks like a 1200W PSU is gonna become a lot more common moving forward.

I remember the Beanie Baby meals. Mostly because my older sister collected them, so I took one for the team and ate a bunch of Happy Meals that year.  Only bought one at a time, though.  Because I’m not a lunatic.

Well, that sucks for people without cell phones.

Why do you need a cell phone number to play a videogame in the first place?

And Canis Majoris will be a separate Witcher series led by an unnamed third-party studio led by ex-Witcher designers.


Ben and his ilk are a pretty vulgar part of American history, too.

$70 for at least 30~40 Hours of gameplay is still a better deal then a lot of other entertainment options.

I didn’t buy into the hype, I only saw a couple trailers (I generally don’t watch all those “behind the scenes” and “talk to the devs” videos for upcoming games, don’t want spoilers). But I bought the game at release and played it. And enjoyed it, because I hadn’t “hyped myself to Mars” and formed all sorts of