
They finally caught you on camera. Fuck you scumbag. You are going to jail for a long time.

What is your twitter handle? I would love to make fun of you there.

Hey Sqarr! I have been looking for you. I got some good posts for you to add to my dedication site. I started a thread with another burner about your rape conviction and got a good conversation with some Jezzies. Here is my favorite quote from it:

No one fucking cares. It’s just the reason you don’t see Yoga Nerd posting anymore. Not some conspiracy that Sqarr seems to think is happening. The dude has lost his fucking mind. The reason we are all teasing him about being a rapist is because he keeps posting long rants about people calling him a rapist. He thinks

I don’t blame you. There is a thread from a few years back of him arguing with several other commenters about if what he did was rape or not. I will have to do some searching, but if I find the link I will send it to you. Ask him for the link if you want?

Yes and he raped a woman. Jezzies seem kind of split on how whether to accept him or not. It’s all kind of insane if you ask me.

Sqarr is a moron who raped a woman over ten years ago. Now he thinks if he posts bullshit on a feminist website it makes up for his past. Just ignore him. He is a fucking psycho and most people are beginning to realize it now.

It’s fascinating. How fucking self-righteous can these douchebags get? The most interesting part of all this fart sniffing is that they are most guilty when it comes to gentrification.