Some People Juggle Geese

The author of this garbage should be embarrassed.

I can already see the dolly zooms.

Believe me, every sane person in the world wishes we didn't have this shit to talk about, but we do.

I've seen Christopher MacDonald's face a million times but never knew that's what that guy's name was until just now.

It's bigger than the town, and is probably a 2 hour movie without any of that time wasted, but it still would have made a great single movie.

It's not sexual, but it is intimate. It's like when Jules and Vincent argue about foot massages in Pulp Fiction. Vincent says it's not sexual, shit, he'd give his mother a foot massage. Vincent says yeah, but would you give a guy a foot massage?

I worry that his voice will hurt him among the "whoever can shout the loudest is best candidate" crowd, which unfortunately is a non negligible number of people.

Evil is not a "belief". These people destroy lives out of sheer evil, just ignorance and malice. Yes they _do_ deserve to be shot.

What the fuck does "troll" even mean? Go fuck yourself, you piece of _actual_ shit.

This is an article about nothing. What are _you_ doing?

Does being a Republican make you an unfunny, untalented piece of shit, or does being an unfunny, untalented piece of shit make you a Republican?

Willis is done. He supported Trump. No one respectable will work with him ever again. You don't get to come back from something like that.

You can't argue that they didn't deserve it. They created this unparalleled divisiveness. They're trying to destroy society to line their own pockets. They absolutely deserved it.

Just saw it yesterday and I can't agree more. Chris Pine is the charisma of this movie and all of its best moments are him interacting with Gal Gadot.

That's a relief. There aren't many characters whose appearance matters that much to me, but Mary Jane has to be a pretty redhead who secretly wants me instead Peter Parker.