Duuuuuuuude, Maurice Cheeks is one of my favorite humans.
Duuuuuuuude, Maurice Cheeks is one of my favorite humans.
Can’t believe Tabitha Soren, Kurt Loder, Matt Pinfield, and Jesse Camp all said no.
Came so dangerously to calling in sick today. Ugh that was a ridiculous game.
Corey Perry is the main reason I want Chicago to win this series.
Up in the air. Watch it.
Mute button, bro.
I love that this basically sounds like A Capella Mighty Ducks Two.
(can also apply to Rebel Wilson after the first movie)
If everyone here on Kinja AND Anna Kendrick were on the Titanic, I’d have saved her first, then made sure she was warm and comfortable, while you all drowned.
Hmmm. I’m supposed to take a 13 year old girl to see it in a few hours.
Dadbod > squash and no cheese.
Not enough.
I’m so amped to see Vince Vaughn in this. I think he’s really going to surprise us in this season. I hope they can capture some of that “is-it-supernatural-or-is-it-not” feeling the first season had.
he’s a bad writer, he’d be perfect.
This assumes there are no shitty writers at Deadspin. Assume nothing.
You can feel the envy dripping from this article. Bill Simmons is a sports writer—so calling him a shitty writer is belaboring the point, which is what shitty writers do.
The mythical Festivus Pole?