
Hearing “SEC” uttered, Dan Gilbert immediately bolted from Quicken Loans Arena.

I’d feel bad for Noah, because Jones seems committed to kicking his ass. However, he can easily hide from Cardale by taking refuge in one of Ohio State’s many academic buildings.

Pretty bold for a guy playing in the Eastern Conference.

I know that the Blackhawks paint their logo in every season. I thought every team did this.

HEY EVERYONE, cultural critique from a guy whose handle is an Anchorman reference.

Is stopped reading when I got to Wexler.

This needs more stars. What the fuck is Wexler? I would go further and say the author is an asshole for being friends with those assholes. They ruined that kids life by playing pick a letter with his name.

Overheard at my local playground:

She is full of shit. She is co-opting their brand to increase hers. There are not a whole lot of brands out there that allow that. Especially without an agreement. Would the NFL allow reporters to broadcast practices on a weekly basis? You can pick nits but, in the end, it’s the same concept.

Okay, fine. Maybe they can jump, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they should.


Fantastic. +1 piece of bread.

I thought Guardians of the Galaxy was average, at best.

The Passion of the Christ

The Raiders’ account says new draft pick Amari Cooper has his “game face” on

I’d hit it too.

This story appeared on my facebook feed with a “Good dolphin” byline. A long time ago, The Score (can’t remember the station number) in Chicago would have Coach Ditka on a few times a week to answer questions from callers. So he’s on one day and a regular caller named, “Dolphin Mike” comes on, and this approximate

If you had a woman fingering your blowhole on national TV I’m sure you would piss yourself.

If only he had shit on ESPN instead. We could have called him Deadspin the Dolphin.