You loathe the actual game of professional football or the just NFL?
You loathe the actual game of professional football or the just NFL?
Saying he's a free rider means you're blindly ignoring all the interest he's generating among the "non-core" football fans the NFL is always attempting to gain.
Wait for the whistle, fucker!
Joakim Noah agrees
"I talk to him everyday just as I have for 15 years. We tell him when we fire and hire people. Just yesterday, he asked if we were still planning on hiring that nice young man from the Chicago Bears to coach the team."
I'm looking forward to his Super Bowl commercial w/Samsung. MEGA GIGABYTES, SON!
Think beginning of March
What are you wearing at home right now?
Looks to me like a, "What the fuck are you looking at you fucking creep?" From experience.
"I panicked."
Noah Sollo........I mean, McNulty wants it!
Why get a new car when the old one has less than 10k miles? #Oldies
I have some friends who would stay all night if they could afford to and I've been in a club for as many as four hours. Usually a couple. Myself, I can't stand them but I won't be the one to stop a group if they want to go.
That was my first thought in the NFC Championship game when Sherman got hurt. Why aren't you going after him? You don't have to throw at him, run Lacy at him, let your wide receiver hand check him and then move to the inside on a backer or safety and leave Sherman to tackle Lacy one-on-one. I'd do the same w/Blount…
My first thought, too! Why not ask him to retire then? One car crash a week is acceptable?
I whole heartedly agree about tortilla chips. But, I voted for them b/c fuck kettle chips and the Panera fascists that carry them!
If you're CFP: One, why would you lock yourself into ANYTHING for 12 years? I mean, you've just overhauled how you determine what's (arguably) your most important sporting champion and you thought you would get it right on the first try? Remember that fuckshow called the BCS?! Two, expand your playoffs and play…
You can't be smart and troll. It confuses us dumbs.
Not to be that guy, but shouldn't Doritos be facing off against Kettle Chips? SnackGate! Snackghazi!