
This old dude is friends with Ed Begley. Belichick is friends with Bon Jovi.

Kobe tore his rotator cuff playing "Sock Shaq" at home

Now playing

It's kind of like this shootout goal Datsyuk had a few years ago. Watching it live, it was like, "The hell?" With each replay it becomes more and more amazing. I can't remember one since, either (I could be wrong about that).

These born agains are getting aggressive


Bethenny Frankel drinking Poland Spring Water seems appropriate.

Impressive bear-handed slap

Stafford sampled everything

That's about all you could dip in Rovell's pool.

Is there anything a family can do (in this case children, grandchildren) can do to prevent this from happening? It says above that the lawsuit states Benson has been unfit to handle his own business affairs for "some time". If his daughter has known this for some time, is there legally anything she could have done

And so ends the Ballghazi controversy.

I'm sorry guys, my wife made me wear this suit

So who from the USWNT will be fired for letting him get the keys? Or do players have access all the time? If that's the case, Solo's days should be over.

"He comes off as......."

Magary's Wedgeghazi post was Pulitzer-worthy.

That's not really the point though.

A drunk driving, POS husband. Look up his history and arrest record next time before you spout off.

Reports coming out that she recorded the stop. Nothing wrong with that on it's own, but I'm sure U.S. Soccer doesn't want it players recording their husbands/boyfriends getting popped for DUI, especially when it's a POS with a history like Stevens. And Solo doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore with her

"It will ruin the 'beauty' of the game."
