
The Bonaville is usually a reliable mode of transport.

Comparing the economy of a country with a population less than 1/10th the US is almost (little hyperbole here) the like comparing balancing a government budget to balancing your checkbook.

There's a CBO study someone posted in this link that shows the effect of raising minimum wage to $9 and $10. It shows that raising to $9 would make for 100k additional unemployed from the increase. Statistically insignificant. It showed raising to $10 would result in 500k additional unemployed which would be an

Ouch. That CBO report estimates 500k lost jobs at the $10 level.

I've worked in retail for going on 25 years now.

You are exactly correct. It's not just teens working these jobs anymore. But this speaks to a larger problem of education and United States citizens not being qualified to do anything else. Why should businesses be punished b/c the workforce, as a whole, is underqualified?

Let's say an average fast food joint does $2mil a year. That means their labor dollars are somewhere around $600k.

But if you only have x amount of dollars for payroll and the wage is doubled, you only employ half as many people.

Yes, I do now live in a world where people essentially get healthcare for free.

My point is, not every single job in this country is designed, nor should it, to be a "career" job. The fry guy/girl at Wendy's shouldn't be able to raise 2 kids on their hourly rate. Raising the minimum wage (basically doubling it) will only lead to more people being out of work. Revenue doesn't magically increase

What is the alternative?

Not every position is designed to be a "career" job.

Do feel good supporting politicians who actually have the ability to do something about this?

I've been officially burned. Well done.

You know that made no sense.

Way to make that comment "your own". It was funny on Deadspin Wednesday, as well.

What is fair pay?

Golden Showers 1


Non-story. Everyone knows how easily Michal Jordan gets bent out of shape.