
There's always ways around a non-firing firing. Drastic reduction of hours (like one short shift), tell them they'll need WEEKS of training before they're ready to be on their own. Always have to be within the law, just have to be creative!

One step.

No matter how experienced you are at hiring, you still have that occasional "miss" or some people just interview really well. The problem w/most people that make that bad hire is they're not willing to cut ties quick enough once those red flags are raised.

From my experience training 1000s of people for all front-of-house positions, if you're asking yourself that question at any time, let alone someone's 1st week of employment, cutting ties is always the way to go.

Yeah, good point. Not to mention TCU played the entire year with their #2 QB. Then their #3 QB. In the national semifinal.

Not exactly what Saban had in mind when he said Alabama would use the spread option this year.

College football is the crossroads of sportsmanship and cultural sensitivity.

a better question. Would be how many. Cameras does he have IN him?

You have no proof he didn't eat previous cameras #recycling #green

I'm guessing Larry will get one more game even if the Cardinals started Delhomme at QB

But if it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck......

Joakim Noah wouldn't like Cleveland, MS either

I don't want to say yes b/c she might pen an angry song about me.


You took to that joke like a duck takes to water

I think the teams from Mississippi could have used a cheat sheet yesterday

Al just wants to know if they're down to duck.

I guess the camera does add 10 pounds.

I second that. My first thought was something like a countdown to Griffey getting exposed for some sort of inappropriate photos in 3....2.....1......

Some of my best friends are people who don't know me.