Think you're kind of missing the point but I wouldn't expect you to understand that either.
Think you're kind of missing the point but I wouldn't expect you to understand that either.
Wait 'til you see the videos for the Blues and Islanders games...........
Also doesn't help when you punch yourself in the dickens (xmas, ya know?!)
Should have thrown some support behind Ferguson and the St. Louis area by wearing some jorts
Kanye West, an artist as complicated, heart-driven, and relevant as Nirvana ever was, is seen in a short clip at the beginning, near the credits, but is not mentioned thereafter.
Looks like the line closed at 9.5 so he only stole the ball to make his "booster" scoring bonus. Here's the link, gotta scroll down a ways:
200,000+ misdemeanor arrests in NYC last year and zero deaths.
While it is a "banned" practice by the NYPD it is not against New York law. So, to your point about gross miscarriage of justice, no.
Guys, I think you know what this means. Until this senseless referee violence stops........
Great argument. RG3 sucks but at least he's taller than Manziel! Any more hot takes?
While the Bills are a mediocre team, that first drive was still against a top 5 defense w/the game in reach. Be the get-off-my-lawn guy all you want about Manziel, but state facts.
The lesson here is, don't mess with '85 Bears' kids. And fuck that illiterate fuck.
What face?
Brian Hoyer: [Silent scream]
When reached for comment, Murray said he still wasn't worried about his workload