
Ref gets 2 minutes for diving

Ovechkin: "Ref, Ref, how many moustaches am I holding up?"

Tanner is gonna eat that nacho

"How'd you like to look at that everyday?"

WTF Dawgs? You deserve to lose wearing those fucking uniforms.

At least she has a friend now

Assumed there would be better protection at USC.

"And who was that bitch in the box, Calvin?!"

Can you believe they actually tried a 37 meter field goal?!

Only at Stanford

Rich South Koreans have coined the term, #Wonning

"Ties Up Arkansas"? Subtle, but well done, sir.

Now playing

You just saw the new Sonic commercial, too?! Original!

But maybe the best people to give these dolls to are not girls, but boys, because if anyone needs to be told that most women don't look like Barbie, it's them.

If an "average" Barbie is anything like my experience with self-described "average" women on dating sites, "Hammily" would be more appropriate.

I love how the ref just stands there looking at him, like he's not quite sure if the guy is going to fall.

Does anyone know if Aaron Hernandez is on the loose?

That's bullshit, Isabella! You don't know if they tried!

Way to keep up with the NYTs and WaPos of the world by publishing more non-news. Wilson hasn't been living there since August, right?

You have two chickens? Are they pets?