
Stephen A Smith blames Paulina for provoking DJ

I think a crumpled one dollar bill would be more appropriate for Kim

That's just terrible.

They make you wear your waist size on your shirt at AT&T?

State of Arizona DUI Levels:


I thought Kevin Kostner cleared all this up; he made a call and found out not one teammate of Johnny Football's went to his birthday party. Stupid Browns.

Typical Rockies, not thinking things through.

You, my friend, are a Pat Fenis.

The NFL has never given a shit about women.


"For it's... one!.... two! .....two is where I draw the line, doc."

I'm not saying the customer had it coming but....if you order "The Flaming Lamborghini", and, I mean acutally say the words out loud, you got it coming.

Clearly, you're not Up For Whatever

That's the only way Cutler gets a conversion on a drive this year

Shane -

Whether they care about their studies or participate in other activities is irrelevant to this conversation.

It is crazy that all those perennial All-Pros that spoke out with Kluwe are no longer in the league. And not one team offered them a contract? Not even the Rams? The humanity!

Mad that he's dead or how they did it?

Get the fuck out of my face with this job.