
I was linked to this from twitter, I had no idea there was an ongoing 'theme' around these, I just assumed it was a crass attempt at getting views

Its fine if we want to talk about the Fith Element, but do we really need to shoe horn in Star Wars because its hot in the news and drives clicks? Don't be like Buzzfeed, A.V. Club.

How many 90's refs per dollar am I getting if I go and see Goosebumps? I want to get the full nostalgia value out of my money.

If you've played Far Cry 3 you've played all the Far Cries, pass….

I will never get the appeal of these digital skinner boxes

Tarantino is a true buff

Everything they describe about this place sound like some crap a guy in marketing thought up when an excutive asked him how can get dorks to spend money at his gym.

He looks like one of those guys who stands around the coliseum to take pictures with tourists.

"Truly, they were, an Aqua Teen, Hunger Force"-Carl

Speak for yourself!


5 bags of popcorn and 2 sodas


This just in; making a show on a daily basis can be stressful and lead to frayed emotions!

HD works in sports because the players move fast, same in video games. You don't need HD to watch some guy recite a soliloquy in a movie.

Good riddance, those episodes were one step above the "clip show" in regards to effort

Meh, always thought China, IL did better as quick shorts inbetween shows

Everyone knows Adam Sandler doesn't pander to stereotypes!

Sounds like a Billy Madison production

Overpaid and over privileged celebrity goes to a donut shop to see what the poors eat