
I never took a philosophy course, as educational institutions are a waste of my time because they are heavily biased and are 99% filled with morons who know only what they’ve been taught. If this is the type of thing that’s taught in philosophy 101, then that serves as yet another confirmation that I’m correct, while

I am ambivalent towards everything. I’m less concerned about how I or another feels and more interested in why we feel that way. I realized a long time ago that feelings are nothing more than an interpretation of our instincts, and if I want to make the claim that I am more intelligent than an allegedly lesser animal,

I suspected you to be a perpetrator of double standards from your first post in this topic. It’s somehow saddening and satisfying at the same time to have confirmation.

To summarize, you condone the ending of innocent lives when it’s convenient for you? Is that correct? I’m not judging, I’m trying to understand. I’m struggling to recognize the difference between ending the life of a healthy unborn child and ending the life of anyone else as a matter of convenience when the end result

It’s nice to see that you are willing to recognize and adhere to a standard. Now the million dollar question...

The woman wasn’t forced to conceive. There are consequences for every action. The consequence for sex is impregnation, it’s common knowledge. There wouldn’t even be an occasion to “control women” if they’d have controlled themselves in the first place.

It’s entirely possible that someone who is anti-abortion is simply trying to protect human life. Your statement is equal to “anyone who is anti-murder wants to control all people.”