
Two words...Forbidden Forest


Entitlement 101

This article is worthless without the actual list inside of it.

Got into a Synology NAS almost a year ago, and I have to agree. They’re phenomenal. I’m currently eyeing a second one to seed and send to my parents/sister as an off-site backup, which is a feature built in for easy use.

Got into a Synology NAS almost a year ago, and I have to agree. They’re phenomenal. I’m currently eyeing a second

‘ it with their [sic] own installer ‘

Social Media is a Cancer

This is why I’m not in debt to the hilt, I don’t own a fancy car with car payments til the nth of never, a huge mortgage etc. It’s nice to be able to tell a job F off knowing you are not beholden to a company.

To Dumb and Angry (I really hope you get to read this):

I’d like to know why “A” enables him. Because that’s very shitty.

The Weight is Finally Over!!!

Makes you wonder what he is willing to do when hundreds of people aren’t watching/listening. I hope she can find safety.

Counter-point: She lied, got caught and is now acting like a petulant teenager over it because she sucks.

Yeah I don’t see what’s so offensive about this (except for the on/off feature). I certainly don’t feel shamed. You have to be racked with some pretty insecure delusions to assign that kind of personification to an inanimate web service.

Oh boy. Even mentioning calories now is “fat shaming” fantastic.

I don’t. It’s main feature appears to be making games incompatible with the PSTV.

Please don’t do that. Just because it’s not your choice or what you want, doesn’t mean it’s not valid for other people. There may be reasons to call this particular woman unambitious, but please don’t criticise women in general for choosing to be a stay at home mother.

How do we make Despacito the official song of the Alt-Right so it can be removed forever

I don’t think it’s censorship. I think it’s coddling the hypersensitive. You just stated that the design seems meaningless. Instead of just saying “Fuck those guys” and going about your business, you allow them to take a word from a fictional language, hijack it, and give you cause to go get upset. We’re expected to

I personally really loathe this kind of arrogance. If everyone thought like this, we wouldn’t have mods for example. If everyone thought like this, Lucas would still own Star Wars and might be making VII-IX. Yes you made it, but once you sell it, you no longer get a say. If you want complete control? Don’t sell it.