
First get wrist control, then pull out your gun.

That's one of the creepier things I've ever heard. It's like you didn't have a choice in the matter.

To everyone on Kotaku, it's good to take a step back and not look at how video games are (not bad, future looking potentially bright) and looking at how the majority of people see them (inaccurately, but still with valid experiences and observations).

... Yes. Whoops.

If you enjoyed House, you would enjoy The Wire for sure. It's HBO, and from the 90s, so it's not on TV anyway.

None of those things require an internet connection, and should have been options in the single player game mode. Whoops, sorry about your argument.

He nails it with the Skyrim comparison. No other game treats its players as intelligent as this game. Features such as hunger, thirst, blood, temperature would be considered as "this is too annoying for the player who is trying to have fun" rather than actually challenging gameplay where the player has to consider all

Yeah, some of us care way more about how we look to complete strangers than the exciting new technology we can use!

Yeah, that whole pedantic semantic know-it-all thing needs to go away and fast.

Only about things he cares about, rather than every little question someone would ask.

holy dang

Totally and completely agree. Maybe because both games are just TAG. Seriously, IT'S TAG GUYS.

Thanks for the parade of strawmen dawg.

You're right, I've been recycling far too much. Time to build more ecosystems.

You just missed a perfectly good "gg" good game joke.


There's three main reasons for playing games: competition, escape, and reflection.

You could hate it because its a step backwards for an already creatively incestuous market.

People in authority should also have a role in the development, as the revealed handbook suggested. This seems to make a claim otherwise.

All this DOTA and TF2/Portal 2 hat nonsense is making me scared of Valve, and this board o' directors and bottom dollar talk isn't helping.