
Go away Zach Gorman, we don't need your tumblr nostalgia manipulation. Get your own ideas man.

Can you not Mine/Craft? Seems that would solve some problems.


Number one problem: one world, a million "chosen ones".

Another one of things things where we pretend to know everything about food when we only know the mutant gene of one version of a plant. It's like being shocked that some people are asian.

Any game referencing Gabriel Garcia Marquez, wow. What a world that could be.

It's like a real game, but for idiots!

The texture pack is effin beautiful in the vanilla game, by the way. Phil knows his way around sprite design.

And here I was worried everything wouldn't glow. Silly me.

This is exactly the kind of innovative, respectable, universal story that our medium needs.

Valve: We weren't really doing much this year, it kind of got behind us. Whoops!

Nerdy book series authored by pervert who enjoys stripping his characters? Stop the presses!

Reminds me of this guy's cool work:

Maybe he didn't want to murder someone?

How appropriate.

Remember all of those characters with terrible designs? Then have we—oh, you don't huh.

No, you don't get it! It's not sad, it's funny! Because we're not them! Hahaha!! Oh those dumb people oppressing humanity, get it?!

Less combat? but... wha

Yo check out Lone Survivor.

For sure. My Mysticetti shirt the best ever.