
You guys are talking about some good points, but you're all missing the main issue here.

Notch only makes games for men! This just in...

Man spends five years using all of his time to make a game: everyone assumes game isn't good despite multiple videos, assumes the game won't be released.

Now playing

There are a few trailers, he's just been posting 'screenshots' recently.

Stealth incarnate.

It's called wilderness, something games have ignored.

My guess is Mt. ZBrush

"No... she just happens to be religious, there's no connection, I'm implying nothing!"

Because people have built their lives around it. He purposely made this game to upset honest people.

Yup. People should not be hateful and disrespectful against each other. Just because its not illegal doesn't mean its suddenly a good idea.

Shut up! We're dumb and hate thinking, there's nothing wrong with us!

Yeah, pirates were known philanthropists! And dentists! All this and that about rape and murder, gives them a bad rep.

Humanity sure enjoys throwing rocks around.

That's what you're doing though, to your mother. If you don't respect her religion, in her mind that definitely means you don't respect her. It's not like a haircut, religions define who people are man.

I don't hate anyone. :D

It's everyone's right to be blasphemous, it's just not a very good idea.

Remember that post about how story and gameplay are like music and lyrics? Totally true. People will defend and offensive song the bitter end if it has a beat they can dance to.

It actually is. What do you call the people who rub bacon on Korans? Kind, upstanding, tolerant citizens? No, they are hateful and intolerant. These are people you are dealing with.

To be honest, I do feel that religion is wrong and should be done away with, but open mockery of the thing people devote their entire life to is the sign of a true hateful narcissist. Understanding and respect is the way to change things.

First of all, God has the authority and man doesn't, second of all, she's not trying to kill her son she's just punishing him (and all of the other "innocent" deformities, oh how opressful religion is! boo hoo!), and third of all there's that whole thing about Jesus.