
Any intolerance blows my mind, especially intolerance that's well received and makes him money.

Literally everything in this game is a mockery of religious ideas. It parodies a Biblical story about faith as a mother who beats her child because he doesn't follow his mother's commands.

We are society, even us at Kotaku. We are here to say what we will and will not accept from our fellow societers. The post here and the comments are an example of consequences of a fool saying something foolish.

Maybe Nintendo could publish his other game, CUNT

They have the right to not publish things against their religious views. Why don't you people understand that.

This game has nothing but hatred for religion.

Yeah no, just because its not illegal to be an angry moron doesn't mean there aren't going to be consequences.

All I blame them for is making the decision to reward themselves for giving people another way to suffer. A man sells a suicidal man a gun and walks away whistling.

Now they can know where you are at any time, AND where you're going.

Brilliant business man = self-absorbed manipulator. We sure want more of them in society, hey everyone! Look how smart this guy is! Look how much money is making off of keeping stupid people stupid and assisting in ruining their lives!

Horrifyingly so.

It's the end of the world. Time to kill 70 people.

It's been done for a while guys. It's called certification.

Play the game again and read a fanfic, just saved you $40 dollars.

Not even close. If Pokemon Black and White entertains you, play that. There is no possible way a sequel is going to increase your pleasure worth $40-80.

Someone try to defend this please, before I stop talking to the people who try.

Black and white topless flat females?! How unique and in no way super-hipster.

The world was saved and so now its time to save... the... hm.

It's making so much money, they'd be foolish to take it down now.

Let me know when they are expansion packs, instead of just feeling like them.