
Because it's a backwards attempt to make money off a nostalgic fanbase, like every movie from the last 10 years. Also its not sex, but sexiness, violence, exotic erotic etc.

Titillation was whole point. Now its a shallow plot and bad CGI.


That's like 3 channels. Out of thousands. There are some good movies also, doesn't mean he's wrong.

Finally, someone standing up for hateful angry people. They've been treated like garbage by considerate, descent people too long!

The best part is, it won't be another bloody sequel! :D

Me too, Tony Danza. Me too.

Yes I know it's a joke, but

True, but only for those who are ignorant. Why not try to help them?

I hope you don't mean all games. AAA games for sure, but the classics and indie games are what they are and are loved for what they are.

They're not enjoying it. That's the point of the article. They say they are enjoying, but they are being manipulated. This is not a good idea.

Hopefully this sort of this is what will end Apple.

omg maybe i have. Have fun in international waters because big bad government wouldn't let you rob people and smoke pot.

Rule of law is the basis of society. If you don't like it, get out of my society.

Spends his life gaming too much, pirating too much, and eating too much.

Oh god those poor people who now have to suffer DropBox...

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Selling something with shady business practices is one thing, but profiting off of copywright violation with shady business practices is another...

It's a lot of fun to blame everyone else for what you're not doing. Doesn't make you rich though.