
Maybe you don't understand how long films are in production.

Are you proud that you had to ask your brothers? The fact that you actually beat them on your own shows that you never needed their help. What if they said no, we won't help you, you can do this on your own, I believe in you?

How is wanting to beat a game without cheats or walkthroughs or help ridiculous?

If they quit the game because its too hard for them, then they never wanted to play the game to begin with. If they want to play they are going to learn and do everything they can to beat it. It's a simple as that.

No one needs the OPTION. That's what I'm talking about.

It's weird and dangerous to separate the two. I think any kid with an IQ over 60 can play games as well as everyone else. Putting the hand-holding into the game separates them from the start. The first time they fail they'll see a hand to help them and they will use it. Without that option they will learn on their

Kids learn about life by playing games, video or otherwise.

Entertainment is education. Playing sports teacher team skills and problem solving, games encourage critical thinking. The way these things are structured do have an effect how how children handle stress and problem situations.

The fault is in the people who cater, build multibillion dollar industries around the path of least resistance. All this media sold to people who don't think they are smart enough to enjoy an Oscar winning movie or a challenging game or a f***ing book, which just continues to force the idea that they are indeed stupid

It wasn't super clear, but that first part was intense sarcasm. I'm all for helping the needy, but its so easy to say you are needy then feel entitled to my money, time, or video game skill whatever.

Yes because a child with cancer would get the same level of respect to me as a healthy child who says he wants to play a game, is bought a game, then quits after the first level.

Cartoons are about fun. Games are about active accomplishment.

What level skips?

If you didn't give up in frustration, why should they? Kids are way smarter than we think they are. Don't take away their motivation.

First of all it is different, because there's a point in a kids life where you have to say no, you should do this on your own because I know you are smart enough to figure it out. With the games it'd like having a P-Wing on every level, every single time they think they can't move on. It says "look, you aren't getting

The way you worded that is hilarious to me. The world shouldn't be about how you feel, but what actions are actually taken. It shouldn't have Assistance, period. Fair challenges over hint systems and walkthroughs anyday.

Yes because a calm, boring PSA about Tanuki fur trade loosely referencing Super Mario Land 3D would have gotten the same amount of hits on Kotaku as something a bit more confrontational.

It's not a matter of taste, some things are bad for everyone. It will make new players think they can't jump over the pit themselves without the assistance of magical wings. It hammers the thought YOU NEED HELP into people who could have learned the skill just fine.

The issue is that the lowest common denominator isn't nearly as low as Nintendo seems to think. Jumping isn't that hard.

Assistance is insulting to kids more than it is to adults. Like a trophy for coming in last. You don't learn anything, you're not motivated to do better, you just feel better without any accomplishment.