
As I understand it, they got one layer of a 3-layer polymeric asphalt paving system down, ran out of money, tried to convince SCCA to fund it (the BoD didn’t bite on that one, thankfully), and it’s to a point now where the pavement that’s there would need to be pulled up and fresh laid down as the underlayer lacked

Maybe, hypothetically, possibly

That’s not a drift, it’s the electric slide

Kinda makes you wonder what the brain trust at Bungie was really thinking when they signed this deal.

Although some of the folks behind Destiny 2 might crave more time to add content and beef up the game, here’s an interesting bit of news to consider: If Bungie misses this year for Destiny 2, Activision is awarded a hefty chunk of the independent studio’s stock, according to two sources familiar with goings-on at

I remain unconvinced

or ‘driving’ and ‘motoring’

this is a pedantic discussion that has no bearing on reality and that would become immediately clear to anybody who actually went to a drift event and talked to anybody and asked them what they were doing and why they were there

who is this dingus and why is anyone listening to him

The Eboladrome

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

Don’t settle for non-ceramic brakes like a pleb.

Because when I build my fantasy car I add ALL THE OPTIONS.

Well the difference is these cars are so rare that would be the only place you to see one, in this case two. You’re definitely not going to see one just driving down a highway - There’s only 7 of them in the world.

Saw 2 of these at Cars and Coffee West Palm Beach a couple of months ago.

The joke. It makes sense now.

For those who don’t remember/know of Chaparral, the 2J had plastic body skirts and an onboard engine for creating a partial vacuum under the car that generated oodles of downforce at all speeds.

One time I was at a vintage race and I got the opportunity to strap into a Chaparral and go for a quick drive.

Why don’t they make British computers?

Haven’t figured out how to make them leak oil yet