My Sedan is an 05 with 83k and still has pristine interior. The plastic is not a “cheap plastic” either. Going back and forth between my is and sx4 there’s a huge difference in quality of material.
My Sedan is an 05 with 83k and still has pristine interior. The plastic is not a “cheap plastic” either. Going back and forth between my is and sx4 there’s a huge difference in quality of material.
I would 110% put Stinger GT on some sick Vossens or Rotaforms in Munich dream garage. I am a car enthusiast like it or not.
I have an ‘05 is300 and just like that, I love almost every model from the early 2000s Lexus had to offer.
Same, at first I though 3000GT from the side profile but the rear end gave it away as some weird MR2. Still wasn’t sure though
I’m sorry but unless your mommy and daddy are rich af, no teens are in the market for newer cadillacs. That’s ridiculous.
I like to call it, “a brick in the wind”.
I take it you know all of this from experience with streaming? No?
Everyone has a preference. $20k vs $500k is a big difference in quality.
Pretty sure that’s a Mustang hatchback, dude.
Do you research cars or their purpose before dropping that kind of money on one? Just wondering.
Charge for congested areas while adding more congestion with booths taking already annoyed people’s money? Sounds great.
I think that’s fair.
How many of you people that are complaining about the styling are ACTUALLY in the market for a newer Lexus?
The 99.99% aren’t buying this car. Exccclluuussiiuvvveee.
Who put the Lexus badge on a damn 86. Fuckin’ millennials.
This is the type of dash I like. It’s clean but still very utilitarian and not just floating bullshit.
Damn, you’ve already driven this NEW car with NEW suspension, MORE power and BETTER tuning? You must have some serious connections!
What? Have you played this game? Because it takes you to the player’s screen that killed you and you will know exactly how you died.