
They had the radio telling us that the 1994 world series had been cancelled.

I'm not sure you read my last comment correctly. I wholeheartedly agree that he's panicked because of the server, not the murder.

He tells her to connect him with the server farm on his mobile, not that he's flying out there — but this is a minor point.

From eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv (in the bathroom): "I know you framed Terry Colby. Your father worked at EvilCorp before he died, that's a matter of public record. I'm not turning you in, if that's what you're thinking. I don't even have proof, and even if I did I don't care. I just wanted to know your weakness, and now

Yeah, I guess that's who it is. There's a reddit thread with screengrabs (I'd post the link, but then I'd have to wait for the comment to be approved).

That's definitely Darlene you see in the mirror, but one of the faces (a male with glasses) is a mystery to me. Here are the screenshots:

I like that theory a lot. Ordinarily, the originating attorney is able to associate with a larger firm on his own terms. But in this case, he's already brought in HHM without any protections.

That would be pretty tough. Jimmy is the one out signing up clients (presumably to have him represent them — they aren't signing HHM representation contracts). At most, HHM would be able to claim a share of the attorney fees. This wouldn't be the first legal drama to play fast and loose with the law, but I kind of

HHM isn't trying to get rid of Chuck, they're trying to justify keeping him.