
I think these numbers would have to be divided by another variable before they make a meaningful comparison. They’re just raw numbers. The number of idiots Googling VW-anything is going to be higher than, say, Jaguar, because VW is a huge automaker. And I’m not just saying that to defend myself, an idiot VW owner who

GPS rarely knows exactly where you are in Philadelphia and Facebook still tags us Camden, NJ. I can’t imagine what a Cupertino-tested Google car would do here, but it would be a lot of fun to watch.

I grew up in VA and learned to drive in VA, which is probably why VA is the only state in which I’ve ever received a traffic or parking ticket. That’s a hard claim to make after three years in D.C. and twelve in Philadelphia. VA is also the only state in which I’ve received a ticket for “illegal camping.” We set up