Some Guy on the Internet

it’s weird to expect a hiring manager to spend more than about 30 seconds looking over your resume in most situations

Disagree completely. If you are droning on and on about a job you had 8-10+ years ago on your resume you are doing a poor job of writing your resume.

Learning how to succinctly get your point across is part of the assignment. For contracts, we regularly have to provide 2 page resumes of people who have 40+ years of experience and are top in their field. It’s doable. Over time, you cut things out that aren’t relevant. No one cares about the details of the job you

Recruiter here. Nobody reads the long resumes. You need to highlight your last 5-10 years and then briefly go over the other stuff. You will get more interviews where you have a chance to discuss your experience and how it is valuable.

He said that their rule of thumb was one page side for every 5 years of work experience.

Progress? Those marathon 5th sets are the best thing in tennis.

Is there a rule that protects him if he doesn’t engage in the play?  Conversely is there a reason the defender doesn’t cream him with a free shot since (I believe) they can engage the receiver in the first five yards?

This is why I think you’re actually further ahead buying/using a regular bike and converting it with aftermarket parts. I’ve done this with two bikes and it means a regular bike shop can work on any regular bike stuff and parts are easy to order for the e-bike conversion stuff (which has never failed for me in any

Maybe my issue is that I have a cheap Chinese ebike kit with no frills, and thus not much to go wrong.  I have spent FAR more time patching flat tubes than messing with the electric components.

Sorry to hear that. Getting support for a complex technological product is everything. It’s a major reason Apple opened their own stores.

Not to mention there are like 10 different eBike systems out there competing for dominance.

If you update a story so much so that the headline is no longer valid, you should change the [now click-bait] title!

Wait... so the update dispels the whole notion of your article? 

You know, you might want to revise that 100% incorrect headline, rather than just adding a sentence at the very end of the article.

Alright, now imagine what you’d think about a parent in the exact same situation, except the highly marketable skill his son possessed was, say, engineering, or singing, or ballet dancing, or literally anything other than playing basketball.

And if you snap it over their head, you can kinda pretend your baby looks like Bane!

Being asked to stand up in a destination wedding. My wife was asked to stand up in one that’s in Italy next year.

How often does this happen? Is it less frequently than, say, spectators at a baseball game getting hit by a foul ball?

To ensure you’re seated together without paying more, you might be able to request it at check in, or call a few days before your flight.

For God’s sake don’t cheap out on pre-selecting your seats. You can do this when you book your tickets and it’s even still free on some airlines. Pre-select them even if it’s not free. If you wait until you check in online at T-minus-24-hours, you’ll be SOL because other people will have sucked it up and paid for