Some Guy on the Internet

During the Bruins’ Stanley Cup run six years ago, the official line was that Marc Savard, who’d had two concussions in a 10 month span, was gradually recovering. I remember my brother and I were always saying to each other, “Wow, this team will be unstoppable when Savvy comes back!”

I count triangles and pyramids. Like, “1. 1, 2; 1. 1, 2, 3; 1, 2; 1. 1, 2, 3, 4; 1, 2, 3; 1,2; 1.” etc. I try to get to 10. And if I do it again I go to 9, and then 8, etc. I wind up picturing these pyramids in my head, slowly filling up with ping pong balls or something like that. There’s just enough stuff to keep

Most people have soap on hand, so this is useful, but it weakens the chemical bonds in rubber. Most people aren’t pushing their tires to the limit, so this doesn’t matter that much, but if you want to get the most out of your tire, use a silicone or water based lubricant. K-Y works well for getting tires seated

How much of the money in cycling is in the Tour de France?

The S&P 500 is a crappy way to measure the economy. It’s growth is good for those of us who have had a lot of investments for a while, but for anyone who’s not loaded or well on their way to retirement, it’s a fairly irrelevant measure of economic health.

“They’ve never created one bit of energy, the best I can tell.”

He’s a good dog, Samer.

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

Diamondbacks when they went from purple/teal to red and black

Aren’t the BBWAA and the Hall of Fame supposed to be independent of MLB? They adoped a rule a few years back saying that people who were banned from MLB were also banned from HoF eligibility, but other than that, MLB isn’t supposed to be making decisions about who should and shouldn’t be in the hall.

Good riddance.

It seems like any time in the last eight years, with a labor-friendly NLRB, would have been a better time than now.

Disney World without kids is actually pretty good. You’ve gotta lean into it and let go of your baseline cynicism to make it work, but if you accept it for what it is, it’s better than you’d expect.

Oh, absolutely, living in a high cost of living area is definitely a consumption choice (and on the flip side, living in a low-wage area is also a choice). I’m acutely aware that I’m choosing to spend my money on my location. For me, the way the numbers work out, the high-cost-of-living area makes sense from an

The 80% number is a percentage of my spending, not a percentage of my income. Like I said, I have a very atypical budget. I have savings, investments, and a healthy income. My housing cost is reasonable relative to my financial situation.

How does “adulthood” work, then? Ruthless bosses just roam the earth enforcing zero-tolerance policies for problematic behavior, like some kind of dystopian HamNo hellscape? In the version of adulthood I’m familiar with, people cut each other some slack, especially when it comes to family emergencies.

Yeah, I mean, advance notice is certainly preferred, but after-the-fact notice is probably sufficient.

The most important factor is lining up with when your friends are having kids. Once you have kids, it’s a lot easier to spend time with other parents than to spend time with non-parents.

I don’t know about your job, but at my job, if I dropped off the grid for 48 hours and then just popped up and said, “family emergency,” I think they’d actually be pretty understanding and supportive.

That guy in the dark jersey with white numbers totally faked out that other guy in a dark jersey with white numbers.