Some Guy

It’s actually a hispanic name. It means “The Gerald”.

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Yes, you should have been watching these videos...

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I don’t know about you but I find the Mixon video and the following videos to be extremely satisfying...

You bought a .50 caliber Desert Eagle? Ha! Never mind. You trolled me good, LUNCH BOX. Nicely done.

You’re an idiot if you pay a lot of money to people who trademarked “exercise”. You’re an even bigger idiot if you buy these shoes.

Good. Glad he was arrested. Sad that the whole thing had to happen. Lots of different stories and scenarios were flying around after the shooting which is why I used “if” in my original comment. Gasser seems to have a history of anger issues. He also looks like a dick-penis for what it’s worth. Get him off the streets.

Here’s a full-proof plan...

Ha! One fuckin’ election has turned a good portion of the left into paranoid preppers who think they can survive freely in the woods of New England with their families after a full on nuclear holocaust. Jesus! Talk about delusional. “I’ve lived in the city my whole life but I can just up and move my family to a small

Ha! I was going to give you a star but you forgot all the other important cliches. You forgot to mention that I live in my mother’s basement and spend all my time playing video games.

“OMG! Young men and women are sexually evaluating each other based upon looks, style, sex appeal and physical attributes! Sound the alarms! We need to take this to the streets!”

When did the sexually uptight televangelist busy-bodies of the 80's & 90's (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson etc.) morph into the liberals of the present?

Evaluating people based upon their physical appearance and sex appeal is wrong! Oh, wait, no it’s not. Not when Jezebel does it...

Too bad it wasn’t a female student doing a “thesis” fuck-list of all the college athletes she banged. If it had been then Deadspin and Jezebel would’ve published it along with the names and pictures of all involved...

McKnight was a 28-year-old ex-NFL RB. He was 5'11" 205 lbs. I’d imagine he was a pretty solid 205. He tried to assault a 56-year-old man who was nearly 30 years his senior and probably isn’t a former professional athlete. The man being assaulted had every right to defend himself by any means necessary. Run away? Could