
Ivanka is actually the perfect American representation. Being pretty, blonde, and white with a rich daddy will take you to the top of the country for free.

Yeah as a Canadian I find this article slightly entertaining. Not speaking French well is considered a major faux pas by voters even outside Quebec. One of the reasons former Prime Minister Harper never did well in Quebec was because he spoke French at a barely competent level. Its not unheard of for politicians in

Side note, the Muricans on Twitter were losing their minds that the candidates were speaking Spanish in an ‘American debate’. I explained that American’s speak Spanish. Also, I live in South Florida, all my neighbors speak Spanish and come from many places. So suck it!

It blows that here in the U.S. the emphasis on learning a 2nd language is lacking. I was always jealous of my ESL classmates who were fluent in Spanish and English. 

Crystal Dunn was the Player of the Match, though.

What changed is that policy is now popular and she wants to be president. I’ll support Harris if she supports the policies I want. But I’m not going to pretend for one second that she actually believes in everything she’s pushing.

So I’m one of the few Splinter folks that halfway wants Biden, because he’s a Dem my in-laws will vote for. Michigan semi-conservatives who don’t like Trump. But Biden’s inability to admit he was wrong, to take accountability for past positions and say he’s evolved, is fucking frustrating.  Just own it dude, we’ve

I don’t hate Biden like a lot of people on these boards, but this is why Harris is my top pick.  She’s fucking ruthless, and goes for the throat, and she has political instincts that Warren doesn’t.

Wake me when Warren, Sanders, Biden, and Harris are the final potential candidates. Or better yet, wake me when Warren is the choice, and she picks Harris as her veep.

Hopefully this is the end of Uncle Joe. Stop bringing up Obama. Number #1 he isn’t infallible, he’s just as flawed as any Democratic politician.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Incivility is so much worse than lynching, shooting, or simply driving over the people you disagree with. 

This exactly. He is claiming he had a consensual relationship with someone he raped and isn’t paying child support for a kid he is solely responsible for conceiving.

I sincerely appreciate this point of view -- but he not only shows zero remorse for what he did, he appears to have convinced himself he did nothing wrong, and edited the facts to match. He remains a POS and has gotten far better than he deserved.

What a complete and utter shithead. It’s easy to believe that scouts for pro teams are full of shit with their fucked up sense of what traits are needed to be a professional athlete (NFL scouts being the absolute worst) but this guy win the award for most delusional.

Easy? It’s on the first fucking page of Google results for his name. An article from 2000 articulating his rape convictions from the Saratogian.

This piece is outstanding.

Tremendous article, what’s amazing to me is how easy it would be for people to see what an incredible monster this guy has been if they were just willing to look. It doesn’t sound like you have to dig too deep to find this information out. Shame on Donnie Nelson and if there’s a hell I assume that Pete Philo is headed

“I think I did a pretty good job as a young-ass mom,” she added. “Kudos to me.”
Kudos to her, indeed.

I have never been able to get them to stay up, ever. I have lipedema deposits center back right at the bra line and they end up forcing the things to fold down every time, regardless of any “stay up” claims or silicon grip. same with a lot of bra backs. I end up having to use ones without cups but with straps which