
Thank you, yes it did! The depression was there a little bit longer than whatever that thing was but he recovered and hasn’t gotten sick again since. He got married a year and a half ago and he and my sister-in-law just welcomed a baby boy.

Yeah, why not let yoga in too? Or Crossfit? Or Ballet? (The first 2 are actual things people are trying to make olympic sports.) It’s not that I don’t think pole dancing can be a legitimate art, I’m just not sure it deserves to be an Olympic sport more than greco-roman wrestling or softball (both of which have been

“fine companies that have workers who utilize welfare programs for the cost of the public support + a fee”

I don’t think I could imagine being that deluded even if I were on drugs. That’s really disturbing. THAT’S their “God Emperor”? Not somebody who can at least string together a coherent sentence, or is smarter and more mature than a high school senior?

“Every time my students called me “Beyoncé-sensei”

Honestly, I’ve been reading these sites since 2003 and I had no idea who this person was until the past couple of weeks.

When my older brother (let’s call him Rafael) and I were in college, my mom and dad moved out of our childhood home and into a much nicer house in a city about 30 miles away. Both my brother and I ended up going to school locally, so I would come visit some weekends but my brother moved back home after he got sick

The first episode I listened to was about Jon Benet Ramsey and the hosts joked about how she was crowned “Ms. Sweetest Sugarhole” or something, and I was so repulsed by that, I will never listen to them. I get having a dark sense of humor but that shit was just not okay.

The Nosleep Podcast! I am a horror aficionado - seriously, I like to be scared shitless - and there are some stories on this series that have creeped me out for days.

And after thousands of people are dead and the killing tapers off, we’ll all read long-form pieces in The New Yorker about this, Netflix will produce a documentary on it, and a movie about it will win an oscar and everyone will say “Never again...”

It’s a variation on a nonsense line they use when they don’t have an actual good reason for what they’re advocating. It pretty much amounts to “I don’t want to have to think about this and I don’t want my kids to know about it.”

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but it’s hard not to see this as a calculated move. I mean the story broke last Thursday and it wasn’t until today that people started writing about how Marchesa wouldn’t survive this....

This is a really good question I hope never to have to ask myself.

I remember that! Wasn’t he a date rapist? I remember there being an article later about how some women were pressing charges.