I really hate this idea that supporting an individual’s work entitles you to access into their identity and private lives, or that being successful means that a person owes the world at large information about themselves.
I really hate this idea that supporting an individual’s work entitles you to access into their identity and private lives, or that being successful means that a person owes the world at large information about themselves.
1. Fuck you
how we are raising girls is not the problem. the girls aren’t the ones becoming predators.
He was too busy talking shit about a woman who didnt perfectly live up to his beauty standards. I’ll be in the corner crying softly.
Meanwhile cops get hailed as heroes and teachers get shit on as lazy and incompetent.
Yeah, I don’t see how two wrongs make a right.
I have one that’s almost 3 and I am consistently amazed by how, even at this tender age, she seems to know exactly when I’ve reached the point where I’m ready to send discreet inquiries to every circus within 100 miles to see if they’d like a deal on a preschooler. She will then declare, “I love you so much!” Or…
I have 3. The entertainment isn’t so much constant as it is well timed in fits and bursts to remind you that you love them and would regret abandoning them to be raised by wolves.
Small cars are supposed to be cheap. If they can’t make them cheap then they won’t be competitive.
Oh, gosh, my outrage knows no bounds.
Yeah, I always wonder if it will take something like an outbreak of polio to finally straighten out all these anti-vaxxers.
Likely it didn’t happen because her parents were smart enough to vaccinate her.
“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”
I’m glad it wasn’t anything worse than rotavirus that helped to convince her. This could have had a much more tragic ending.
maybe she is attention seeking. who cares? if that makes us uncomfortable, that’s on us. if she’s not harming herself or others, it’s not for us to comment on another woman’s choices.
I dunno, the “maybe don’t take our children into a war zone where even UN convoys are bombed” is not that bad a tack . . .
Or there’s a dozen or so that actually have a gift to know things that can’t be known, and thousands of “psychics” pretending and ripping off rubes.
That mother-in-law came in hot, downright chomping at the bit to be AWFUL. Love Shannon, hate Shannon to have in laws spewing that kind of vitriol, to perfect strangers and on camera, is damn near unforgivable.
Yup you’re right-it’s a very specific type of Southern or Midwestern middle aged white woman who wears pearls every day and has dyed blonde hair and a personal relationship with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am also really not okay with this news. I was really rooting for them and their crazy brood! I wanted to see fabulous photos of them when they’re 80 and just living their best lives in France.