
Good thought. But than you match this with some good political analysis on the American RL need for moral absolutes to justify engaging in a fight, which by definition are not open to pragmatic compromise, and then you look at the old Prohibition or the new War on Drugs, or at gun policies and school shootings, or at

"What makes you so special?" "Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."

A best friend lets you know when you do something stupid. It's in the job description.

totally agree. The whole character does nothing for me, the whole thing with Barry seems totally forced. I guess she fits as well as any unplanned character developed on the fly to alleviate first-season's unexpected Iris-hate would - like a cheap and obvious patch-up.

Maybe, we we already saw Bobby taking out a gang of agents a few times, or Lincoln taking out the power. I thought it was a nice call to cute the fights that would have been repetitive.

Remember how last week's review started with "AoS sacrifices compelling relationship for plot"? When everybody started hugging it out in the end of the ep, and Coulson and May realize who is NOT there and then hugged each other - all I could think was 'THAT is the best relationship of the show!'. Okay, Rosalind and

Maybe true, Joey was adorable. Nevertheless, the look between Daisy and Lincoln before he left the castle was maybe the first convincing moment the pair had in the entire season. And you needed somebody with hostory for that one. Makes me wonder if there is potential in having Lincoln on board after all. Though the

Some time around ep 4 and 5 it became clear that Flesh and Bone is not a show about ballet. Its a show about power. A story about control, of yourself and others, sometimes even veering into dominance and submission territory.

Just coming off my JJ binge and I actually agree. SG has been improving a lot and JJ just deteriorated very fast after the first few eps.

If they hadn't delayed they would have been mercilessly attacked by lots of people who only read the plot summary and never actually watched the show. Plus, the decision to delay creates a news item for a show with falling ratings.

Much has been made of the feminism in the first female-led Marvel hero series, so it is hard not to take the final look through this lense. And despite a very promising start, the final episodes make for a disturbing set of well-known tropes and messages:

that doesn't add up - she recognized the one month ritual while looking for Hope - it must have been longer than that.

Well, that might be a nice detail, but I was a bit surprised that - given the general theme of the review - you didn't touch on the question how much "misguided sense of paternal protectiveness" Jessica exhibits in the flashbacks. How much respect for agency I can read into

wait a second - the character best described as "sealing ***self off instead of joining with others who share the same experience" surely isn't Simpson?! Not to mention that he rejoins the 'rage-producing villain side' only because certain girls just needed 10 bodies more to come to his point of view and refused to

I doubt it was a homage - than the source of the question idea should have been a version of "I think I saw it on TV" or some such. (Which reminds me - we had this epic "Everything I ever needed to know I learned from watching the West Wing"-thread on the TWoP Forum. I'm sure senate rules were mentioned…)

She was captive for a long time. Such a situation falls more under "complex PTSD", which can well include dissociative effects (formerly known as 'split personality'). Its like a mixing PTSD with Stockholm syndrome.

No objection against the grade, but definitely against the initial reasoning. Nobody is listening to Jessica because for most of the season she has been pushing stupid plans as "the only solution" to whatever is happening. (It's like watching Arrow S1 all over again). Essentially, we got loads of corpses and a decent

Okay, I gotta go totally against the general vibe here, but I hated pretty much everything about this episode. (Loved the show so far, its just this ep.)

I took it to imply that she was trying not to hurt him, so no punching and relative disadvantage.

well, Ten was always running from the 'monster inside'. Turns out that inner monster has a name - its Jebedia Kilgrave…. ;-)