
One of the things that always fascinated me about the Drake Equation is that some of it's terms may not be constant in time. The two most interesting are:

In the canon of euphemisms for "Horribly bad narrative choices". We have:

Yeah, I had two major disappointments when TPM released.

Well now, this is frankly the first news I've heard since 1999 that begins to restore my excitement for that beloved franchise in a galaxy far, far away. This makes a far more interesting story core than the rumors we've previously heard, and I sincerely hope it's true.

I can't believe I used to like this guy. He once struck me as the kind of reasonable conservative I could have a drink with and actually DEBATE things based on the merits of an argument. I watched in horror over the past 10 years as he's morphed into the very stereotype of an angry old white man.

Yes, this is the kicker to me. Regardless of your indoctrination, it would seem to me that even the most devout of simpletons should be able to notice the simple connection that blocking access/education of contraceptives is the most surefire way to trigger the very abortion-apocalypse that are seemingly trying to

I always figured, if you need to steal a feline, definitely take the panther, because cheetahs never prosp.... oh god. I can't believe I went there. I need professional help.

If you think THAT'S the stupidest stuff you've ever seen, then you've never encountered a Jack Chick tract. WARNING: DO NOT under any circumstances Google Jack Chick unless you have a healthy and active support system of skeptics, cynics, and critical thinkers all around you. There is no danger that the material will

OK Ok... I'm not going to complain, because this is frankly 100% good news, and I do love me some Carol. But I still have a serious question:

Some of this can already be dealt with just by choosing the right construction plan.

1) Vasalgel (which looks to be the most promising male contraceptive at the moment) is not a pill, it's a one time injection of a polymer that destroy sperm cells for an indefinite period. It's best analogy would be an IUD, in that you put in and forget about it. It can't be undone without a doctor's intervention.

Actually, I think reliable, reversible, long-term birth control is really one of the keys to our species survival. It could be argued that keeping the number of human beings at carrying capacity is a key factor in keeping our planet healthy. If there were only a billion of us, and holding steady, our resource

Heheh.... I suspect that Ralph Bakshi is going to figure very heavily in this thread, since LotR and Wizards have already been mentioned. Fritz the Cat and Cool World are also part of that continuum.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the concept was solid, even if it strayed from the source material a bit... they had to make an actual coherent plotline for the movie. There were aspects of it that didn't quite ring true, but the surreality of the setting allows for a lot of suspension of disbelief there. It